Grant/Downing Education is a nationally accredited organization committed to fostering better patient care through research and education. As a part of our mission, we are committed to using the latest research results in evidence-based education to address issues of public health concern.

Grant/Downing Education focuses primarily on the therapeutic areas included in the specialties of

  • Infectious Diseases
  • Pain Management
  • Anesthesiology
  • Anti-viral
  • Men's Health
  • Oncology
  • Urology
  • Through collaboration with other educational partners, we have expanded into the area of hematology.

Grant/Downing Education is a leader in accredited programming in the United States, Europe and beyond with the cooperation of its partner Micron Research, a medical/scientific research company based in the UK. Additionally, due to our clinical research experience, activities and data, Grant/Downing Education is in the unique position to understand, select and develop scientifically sound and evidence-based CME programming.